
Killing Us Softly? One Ad Would Have us Fendi(ng) off Predators

In Comm 406, we watched the most recent part of the advertising video “Killing Us Softly”  and "Gender Roles", videos that represent the role of women in advertising and also how masculinity and femininity are represented in society.  As the videos tell us, the treatment of women in advertising is absolutely horrible. Women are seen as second- lass inferior beings that only matter if they have ethereal beauty and a flawless body image.  As upsetting this is to me as a woman, on a different level as an advertising student, it provides an interesting perspective on how society and the media define the roles of women to people in said society. 

Though, one would think that if such a terrible thing like this were happening, that people would notice. One would hope that they would speak out against the advertising companies who have shown them in the negative light for so long, but unfortunately no. Until I watched "Killing Us Softly", even I was unaware of the insidious effect that negative advertising toward women, not only do I view it and am innocuous to its meaning, I am a product of it. I don't think there are any of us women who are not products of it.
As Gender Roles states, Advertisements are presented as commercial realism,  and present the world in the ways it could be real. Their ( the ads) seeming normality tells us about ourselves.

Fendi advertisement in Elle Magazine.
Photo found here.
I found this ad in the newest edition of Elle Magazine:

What does this ad seem like it is trying to sell you? What if you didn't know what kind of company Fendi is?

Obviously there is an attractive model, but where is she? Why is she standing on a dark street corner at night? At first it might be a innuendo to being a prostitute, however, the model is in conservative clothing, and carrying a handbag. So, the idea of prostitution is unlikely. 

With her close-cropped haircut and Photoshopped face, the model has a very young, almost childlike appearance. She is very slim and has slender, and almost shapeless legs. Perhaps if her lips and face were a little fuller, she would look positively cherubic.As "Gender Roles" notices, Females are often subjected to infantilization, women never leave girlhood. Girls and women are presented the same. Childhood is mixed  with adult sexuality.

The goal of this ad however, it that and more. Young looking girl alone in a dark alley, with a worried expression on her face. She is supposed to signify vulnerability. From society's view these days, advertising tells us that females are dependent and emotional. From her petite stature to the open position of her body, we are meant to see this woman as a defenseless, meek creature. 

As if that wasn't bad enough, if you look into the ad slightly visible in the upper right corner are two shady looking males, coming out of the shadows. Fendi might have you believe that perhaps they are just admiring the girl or the 'fabulous' Fendi bag she happens to be carrying. The bag is the only thing the girl is in control of, however, her environment is less secure, more obscure and dangerous.

However, if two strong, shadowy men encountered this vulnerable girl at night, I can tell you not many people would think that they just wanted to compliment her on her fashion sense. Actually in the original ad in the magazine, there are four men in the shadows instead of two, in most pictures online, the other two men are cropped out of the photo.  

Granted, perhaps the ad makers were supplying another use for their product, if the men were to try and attack her, she might be able to use the bag to Fend(i) them off. 

Jokes aside, this is a very serious kind of ad. This is exactly the kind of ad that was discussed in the video, designed to make women feel incompetent and weak. I am appalled to see this in a magazine, especially one that is so available to all kinds of women. Elle caters to so many different age levels at girls, in fact I think I first read an Elle Magazine at a hair salon before I was a teenager. It frightens me, that images as blatant as this one are prominently displayed as acceptable.

Also, if I haven't already mentioned it, Fendi is a world famous accessories and handbag designer. 


Frith Analysis - Old Spice

As consumers, advertising in a blast of text, sounds, movies bombards us everyday, All of it along with influence knits up in a convenient little care package for the masses. However, behind advertisements, behind all the glitz, humor, and controversy there is an underlying message(s) that all people should be aware of. By taking ads that we see, even our favorite ads, we can see how they affect us. We can be aware if they are manipulating us, or we can centralize and make generalizations about our society in general. Ads can directly identify a population of they are marketed correctly, and advertisers have a pretty good idea of how to get consumers to purchase products. Though this may be, it is still wise to see an advertisement for what it is. For analysis of my ad today, I used the Frith method for basic ad analysis as specified by the class instructions. Frith’s analysis analyzes ads on 3 different levels, its basic (or face-value) level, its advertisement level, and its cultural level or how we interpret how it shapes and projects the society in which it is a part of.

Last week, I blogged that my favorite advertising campaign was the *new * Old Spice ads, also known as “Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign, more specifically the one used at the Superbowl.

Using Frith analysis, this ad on the surface level has a man with a deep voice talking to the female audience about their love interest. The man at first is seen in the shower wearing a towel, and then his clothes change and he is on a luxury sailboat holding and showing off the product, from then the product changes and an oyster appears in his hand. The oyster opens and it has tickets inside, after a second the tickets disappear and a cascade of gemstones flows from the oyster. The oyster then disappears along with the boat, revealing the man sitting on a white horse. For additional dialogue and details of the ad, you can watch the orginal video here.
The advertiser, going along with Frith’s analysis is making the statement that by using their product men will feel manlier and feel better about themselves in the eyes of women. This product is beneficial to men.
A photo from the "Smell Like A Man. Man" campaign.
In a cultural or ideological sense, returning to the third and final aspect of Frith’s analysis, Old Spice’s tag line for these commercials, “Smell Like A Man, Man” enforces the idea of specific and total gender roles.  Their attitude states that you have to be more masculine and that men should not settle for who they or be comfortable in perhaps a more feminine gender role.  The idea of sexual identity and gender orientation are not new, however as of recent these issues are becoming more and more relevant to a our expanding society.

SOPA, why it matters

Let me first off say that this is not a blog that deals with any of my current Communications classes, so this is not a blog for any of them, however it does matter in the great realm of communications and the internet.


As many of you may or may not know, there has been legislation come about in the recent about a new law that has yet to signed into effect called, SOPA or Stop Online Piracy Act. Now, at first glance that seems like a pretty good idea. Considering that there are millions of people online that illegally pirate media such as music, movies, software, etc, it seems only aligned with our own justice system to hold those who do such deeds illegally just as accountable if they were stealing physical or intellectual property.

Though as a Communications student, I will admit that I am torn. If there is one thing that the United States government has done in the past that I am happy about is having limited regulatory power over the Internet. To me, the power that the Internet has, not only nationally, but globally is one of the most powerful symbols of freedom to ever be. Censorship has long been an issue in the freedom of speech debate, and though I like to consider myself liberal on the idea of censorship (meaning that I think censorship should not be federal or global centric, but a responsibility to individuals), but seldom is it that something uncensored is considered unlawful, (notice I did not say unethical).

However to fully explore the debate it is prudent to understand the nature and provisions of SOPA and its partner bill Protect IP Act. Now, I don't know where you like to do research, but for my writing purposes, I Googled SOPA, and found an interesting article on CNET by Declan McCullagh, that gives some tidbits of information about how SOPA would affect the internet and day to day website interactions.

First and foremost, McCullagh says that the legislation describes SOPA as a way to rid cyberspace from "rogue sites" or sites that host and sponsor copyright infringement from other countries where copyright infringement laws are not as strict or where they are nonexistent in foreign countries. 

McCullagh also posts : "How would SOPA work?
It allows the U.S. attorney general to seek a court order against the targeted offshore Web site that would, in turn, be served on Internet providers in an effort to make the target virtually disappear. It's kind of an Internet death penalty.
More specifically, section 102 of SOPA says that, after being served with a removal order:

A service provider shall take technically feasible and reasonable measures designed to prevent access by its subscribers located within the United States to the foreign infringing site (or portion thereof) that is subject to the order...Such actions shall be taken as expeditiously as possible, but in any case within five days after being served with a copy of the order, or within such time as the court may order."

And although this seems at first reasonable many internet companies and sites are opposed to SOPA, because they feel that it might be a gateway to more government regulation.

He also gives a specific details about the implication of SOPA under US law : 
"A little-noticed portion of the proposed law, which CNET highlighted in an article, goes further than Protect IP and could require Internet providers to monitor customers' traffic and block Web sites suspected of copyright infringement.
"It would cover IP blocking," says Markham Erickson, head of NetCoalition, whose members include Amazon.com, Google, eBay, and Yahoo. "I think it contemplates deep packet inspection" as well, he said.
The exact requirements will depend on what the removal order says. The Recording Industry Association of America says that SOPA could be used to force Internet providers to block by "Internet Protocol address" and deny "access to only the illegal part of the site." It would come as no surprise if copyright holders suggested wording to the Justice Department, which would in turn seek a judge's signature on the removal order.
Deep packet inspection, meaning forcing an Internet provider to intercept and analyze customers' Web traffic, is the only way to block access to specific URLs."

For this reason, I think that the free internet market is deathly afraid of abuse. And in some ways rightfully so, with any power given there is always a chance of abuse. So now it is time for Congress, and for us as people to choose what is more important..

The sanctity of the freedom of the Internet or the justice of anti-piracy? 

I know that there is for me, not always an easy answer, and compromise will definitely prevail, I'm sure. One thing that I am sure of it that no matter the decision, its effects will certainly be felt throughout the internet community.

Keep an eye out on Wednesday, for anti-SOPA website blackouts in protest against SOPA legislation including : Reddit and Wikipedia


Right Up My Alley!

A website about bowling? How exciting!
Photo by Jonny Keelty
                Bowling has always been a significant part of my life. Ever since I was little, and even before I was born, my parents and grandparents went bowling every week. They had their own bowling team on a bowling league in Baltimore. Then, we moved to West Virginia, going bowling was always a weekly outlet for family time. It wasn’t until I was a teenager that I got my first job at a bowling alley and still keep that job currently. In high school, I joined a youth bowling league that bowled every Wednesday. My parents even bought my sister and me our own shoes and bowling balls. So, creating a website about bowling was definitely an obvious choice. In my site, I would like to include information such as how to bowl with the proper technique by tutorial videos and also how to keep score (not electronically). There are so many details about bowling, such as the companies, ball types and weight, history and so much more. What many people do not realize is that bowling is actually pretty legit, with its own specific league rules and regulations, many of which I will explain and keep up to date on the website.


This Lady Loves Old Spice!

The Old Spice logo

I would have to say that of all the advertising campaigns I’ve seen over the years, I have definitely loved the new "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" Old Spice television ads.  As I’ve grown up, Old Spice was the deodorant that my father used and still uses. It provides a sense of warm nostalgia to see that Old Spice is still thriving, meaning that my dad still buys it. When I see it or smell it, I am automatically reminded of him.

When I see Old Spice I am reminded of masculinity and Americanism from its simple red, white and blue packaging with a sailboat picture. The packaging always makes me associate of the glory days of the 1950’s when nationalism was at its peak for America.  Men were returning home from overseas after World War II, starting families and becoming dads. So now, every time that I see or hear of Old Spice, I think: DADDY!

Masculinity is still the prominent theme on television Old Spice ads. They (the ads) are designed not only towards the female audience, expressing that they should buy the product because Old Spice makes their “man” smell manly, but also to men directly with the tagline "Smell like a man, man.” 

Actor Isaiah Mustafa as the Old Spice spokesperson
As of recent the ads have featured the sex appeal of attractive “manly” actor Isaiah Mustafa, they are exciting and entertaining. They feature the glitz of retail, jewerly, exotic locations, and even alluding to the Old Spice sailboat, showcasing everything that men feel should attract women to them. They show Isaiah as the epitome of manly man, and therefore must do the epitome of what manly men should do. And in my case, it makes me smile since my father is one of the most (if not the most) manly men I know.

The Old Spice ads have now gone on to spawn fan response YouTube videos,  and Isaiah Mustafa has been featured on many daytime talk shows such as Ellen Degeneres. All of the commercials are available at the Old Spice website under Videos.

The first Old Spice commercial I saw from the Super Bowl and the very manly "Questions" video: