
3-D = Dud

Now call me old-fashioned or whatever, but I am not a fan of 3-D.  Now, don't get me wrong because I think that to the right person and if done correctly, 3-D can be a very interesting experience. As in I like the idea of 3-D, but in practice I can't really enjoy it. I have had experience with actually pretty good 3-D and I still do not like it. Two years previous, I remember going to King's Dominion with my family. At King's Dominion, they have many good 3-D attractions, and even some on IMAX. This is not the 3-D most people are familiar with, most times people get a bad, rough imitation with red and blue glasses, and some even with the new polarized lens of movies in a theater or at home with a 3DTV. However, these attraction are specially made for 3-D meaning that everything works, the graphics are great and you can get the experience you paid for. But, from 3-D Spongebob to 3-D Dracula, I've pretty much seen it all, and I have to say that even done right I have to agreed with Alva Noe and say that it is still pretty gimmicky. I mean you can throw weapons or food, or people at me in 3-D and yes I might get a thrill from it, but after I do, I want nothing more than to rip the glasses from my eyes. Entertainment like movies, from my perspective are more of a 'spectator' kind of adventure, I like being able to just sit and watch something without it jumping out in my face.  I like watching danger and peril and like cool camera shots, and special effects, but leave them where they belong, on the screen. 3-D, I find instead of enhancing the movie, often is just distracting. I remember though Dr. Williams talking abouti n class his IMAX 3-D experience with The Polar Express and the snow. I believe something like that would not be bad, though I guess I am just easily freaked out. And also because I am a firm believer in the differences between entertainment and reality. Lines between the two are already blurred enough, and with 3-D encouraging it even further, it scares me in a way. I mean in fifty years we might have virtual reality where we might not have to live in this world if we don't want and programs can let us live underwater or whatever we want. Not that the idea isn't cool, but I'm just afraid people will forget what it is like to actually live.

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